The quaint little chapel doors open, giving way to her, in her most beautiful moment. Donned in white, she gracefully glides down the aisle, along their song, bringing warmth to the misty sunday afternoon. Her parents met her midway, both struggling to hold back tears, both heartwarmingly failing miserably. At the last moment, the father tightly held on to the bride, probably wishing he wouldn't have to let go. With water welling in his eyes, he entrusted his only girl, forever his little girl, to the man patiently waiting at the end of the altar. She's now a beautiful young woman, the beautiful bride, who in the midst of families and friends, most especially before God pledges her love and life to his groom. Her forever, entwined with his.
This is why I love weddings.

Dennis Morante - Missy Peralejo Wedding
October 28, 2007
Madre de Dios Chapel, at the Midlands
Tagaytay Highlands