Pahtey on in Pinas.
In the middle of sacreligious sunday texting with friends, I got this message from Just:

And celebrate it, we did. Mae and Techie did a wonderful number on the Guevarra's driveway, courtesy of Anding's. Very fiesta-mode with matching not-so-chinese psychedelic lanterns. And the christmas lights made my shutter happy finger very itchy. I love great lighting! Hence, a lot of Kodak, well Niko's moment.

Equally festive was the food. Just's mom really made sure we were fed til we give up. And since Jose couldn't be found, we all had to settle for SanMig Lights and Grape-flavored Absolut Vodka. DIY mixes ito. And of course, Issi was there, nagdala pangdamay. The more, the smokier, the merrier.

And the girls partied up, this time with a relatively impressive showing. Even Doctora Madz, who apparently was MIA for, count that, 6 years, came. Kumusta? Kung may anak ako, mag Grade 1 na sya, hindi pa nya kilala si Doctora. But still, she never changed a bit. Riot pa rin, and so was the rest of us.

Happy birthday just! Masaya rin ang Pinas dito ka nag bday. Lalo na kami!

Labels: birthdays, girlfriends