Crazy start to what seems to be a very eventful year.Lotsa stories to share.Will hopefully return to normal programming soon! (sana, sana, sana...)Peace out!
Anybody home?
May blog pa pala ako. I know my precious blog got neglected over the past several months, pero I have valid reasons, promise. I'll go about updating it later. I need the distraction, anyways. So here's me, back for 2007. I tell you, it has one hell of a start. Kapit.
Wanted: Prayer Warriors
"Matagal ko ng inaabangan to eh. Alam kong dadating to." My father's words when the doctors asked him how he was.***
My father suffered from a mild stroke early thursday morning, January 4th. I rushed to Chinese Gen, where Mama and Mark got him admitted. By the time i got to the emergency room, he was already fine. Naagapan, that's what the nurses said. Thank God he had enough will not to sleep off what he thought was a very nasty headache. I found him joking around the emergency room, making kulit the nurses attending to him. Around, i see an old woman in life support, her grown son crying. This, next to a man being pumped back to life, his family being taken to the next room, away from the chaos the code called caused. In my heart, still beating a mile a minute, i said a silent prayer of thanks. I was blessed another day. ***
After a battery of tests, and five days in the hospital, my father got discharged on a promise
that he'll be back sunday afternoon, this time to prepare him for his coronary bypass wednesday morning. It is very rattling how very fast things were happening. My father's appearance can be very fooling. He looked very ok, just like nothing happened, but his ticker, judging by the angiogram results the doctor showed me, had several lifetimes of beating and the doctors advised for immediate major fix up. I trust them. I trust Him. He will see us through. ***
Please pray for my father, for a successful operation and for a speedy recovery. Please pray for the doctors for guidance, and please pray for us for strength. We need all the prayers we can get. Thanks.