Wanted: Prayer Warriors
"Matagal ko ng inaabangan to eh. Alam kong dadating to."
My father's words when the doctors asked him how he was.
My father suffered from a mild stroke early thursday morning, January 4th. I rushed to Chinese Gen, where Mama and Mark got him admitted. By the time i got to the emergency room, he was already fine. Naagapan, that's what the nurses said. Thank God he had enough will not to sleep off what he thought was a very nasty headache. I found him joking around the emergency room, making kulit the nurses attending to him. Around, i see an old woman in life support, her grown son crying. This, next to a man being pumped back to life, his family being taken to the next room, away from the chaos the code called caused. In my heart, still beating a mile a minute, i said a silent prayer of thanks. I was blessed another day.
After a battery of tests, and five days in the hospital, my father got discharged on a promise

Please pray for my father, for a successful operation and for a speedy recovery. Please pray for the doctors for guidance, and please pray for us for strength. We need all the prayers we can get. Thanks.
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