Wednesday, April 06, 2005

beb, make a wish...

for the past year and a half, a certain someone has been treating me extra special. my personal "comforter" in every sense of the word, jose raul peralejo, jr., celebrates his 23rd year of existence. so what am i to do but to, for lack of a better word, mag-effort. so as promised, i went to makati to have lunch with him and and to hang in his school with the boys. well, more of lunching than hanging. Thanks to that lil wonderful cake store in enterprise, got him some cake he wanted and made him feel it was really his birthday by blowing out some candles. and i thought all this time, only girls like cake. you should've seen da boyz down some serious cakes faster than we can sing "happy birthday". beb still has classes to attend to (poor little schoolboy), so i just busied myself in powerbooks at greenbelt for a couple of hours for the dinner with the folks. I picked up some chick lit since im not really in the mood for deep thinking at that time. Got one about a second assistant in Hollywood --- thick, nonsense and totally unrelatable--- so it was perfect. Two hours went by like a breeze and the next thing i knew my phone's ringing with beb on caller id. Met up with him, then Jamie at seattle's. His dad, kuya jp and jake arrived only moments after us and we went to bubba gump for some dinner though we still have to wait his mom who's on her way coming the airport from Davao. When everybody's settled, we just had this great tummy filling dinner i was grateful i took part of. Incidentally, it was one of those rare moments that beb's dad wasn't so wide eyed seeing me in their presence. Beb and i started to have this running joke that his father's somehow mistakes me for a ghost, if that is the only way to explain his "shocked" look everytime he sees me. Guess it takes time to get used to this scenario. As for me, it will take me a forever. But anything for my beb, anything. Happy birthday, my special man...