Shine on me.

Shine on me., originally uploaded by ♥Lallie♥.
I've taken a liking (a friend called it an addiction. (",) ) to HDRs lately. Much more so to indoor HDRs. And when I saw this well-preserved treasure in Argao, I had to drop my things right then and there and shoot.
This spacious living area sits on the top floor of Argao's town hall. The stairs leading up to it is crooked and wobbly and cries with every step, Probably standing since the Spanish era, the wooden columns and beams' muted green paint is cracked and chipping in every spot; some even looking naked and bare. It sure has aged, but age gracefully, it did.
The hall was wide, airy and was filled with light. It was sparsely decorated --- a few wooden pieces to sit on on both sides --- which I think is a beautiful thing, because if there is one thing that stands out in this room, it is its wooden floors.
The way that light hit the floor will forever be the reason why I will eternally be hooked on (indoor) HDRs.
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